The age of active adult is here.
In a recent Senior Housing News survey of 120 senior housing professionals, 87% of respondents said that they are currently pursuing active adult apartment rental projects.
Driving it all is the young boomer’s thirst for an exciting, lifestyle-driven housing option, and the desire to strip away the cost and commitment of home ownership.
This report reveals the depth of that interest, the execution of the product, the mindset of the consumer — and how these factors are re-writing the paradigm of senior housing.
In this 28-page report, you will learn:
- Why so many senior housing operators are pursuing active adult, and why they believe they are better suited than multifamily to develop it
- Why senior housing professionals believe active adult’s popularity and utility will only continue to rise in the next three years
- The four trends that show the active adult opportunity for senior housing
- How active adult is angling to become the new first step in the care continuum, before IL
- The strengths that both senior housing operators and multifamily developers bring to the active adult table, and why collaboration makes sense
- And much more!